Phil Taylor's papers
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Invited International Conference Lectures/appearances by Prof Taylor THE FOLLOWING ARE AMONGST THE LECTURES PROF. TAYLOR HAS BEEN INVITED TO DELIVER AROUND THE WORLD DURING HIS ACADEMIC CAREER (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER SINCE 1978). (** Denotes a subsequent publication of the presentation/lecture) 'Propaganda Politics and Film, 1918-45'. Conference organised by the InterUniversity History Film Consortium, Imperial War Museum, London, UK, 1979. ** 'Film and Radio Propaganda in World War Two: A Global Perspective'. Conference organised by the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (the official journal of the International Association for Audio-Visual Media in Historical Research and Education) and the Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy, 1982. ** ![]() or see Bellagio above 'Censorship in World War Two', IX Anglo-Dutch Conference of Historians, University of London and Cambridge, UK, 1985.** 'Propaganda Politics and Film, 1945-60'. Conference organised by the InterUniversity History Film Consortium, Imperial War Museum, London, UK, 1987.** 'L'Europa e la politica di potenza: alle origini della Comunita Economica Europea'. Conference organised by the Universita degli Studi di Firenze - Facolta di Scienze Politiche, Florence, Italy, 1987.** 'National Identity and the Media'. Conference organised by the International Association for Audio-Visual Media in Historical Research and Education, Maryland, USA, 1989. Keynote address, 'Rumour, News and Propaganda'. Conference organised by the Social History Society of the United Kingdom, Lincoln, UK, 1991. 'The Effects of War on Society'. Conference organised by the Centre for Inter Disciplinary Research, San Marino, Italy, 1991.** Guest lecturer, Defence Intelligence and Security School (DISS) Ashford, Kent, 1992-95 and at Chicksands, UK, 1996 to date. 'War, Film and Society: a methodological approach'. Conference organised by the University of Barcelona, Spain, 1992.** (with David Morrison), 'A New Europe?'. The annual conference of the British Sociological Association, University of Kent, UK, 1992. 'The Psychological Dimension of the Changing European Security Scene', Allied Command Europe, Psychological Operations Conference, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Mons, Belgium, 1992. Vth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida, October (United States Air Force, Special Operations Command School - USAFSOC) 1992. XIVth International IAMHIST Conference, 'Film and the First World War', Amsterdam, Holland, July 1993. 'Historians & Officials: the development of International History in Britain and the World. A conference to celebrate the retirement of Donald Cameron Watt', London School of Economics, UK, June 1993. VIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1993. 'War, Peace and Society in Historical Perspective', Conference held at Rutgers Centre for Historical Analysis, New Jersey, USA, October 1993. International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, December 1993. Speaker and organiser of film programme, Leeds International First World War Commemoration Conference, July 1994. VIIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1994. (with Kate Adie), Media Study Conference, 1st Armoured (UK) Division, Herford, Germany, July 1995. Keynote Speaker (with Kate Adie, Nik Gowing, John Keegan & Gen. Sir Michael Rose) 'The Media and International Security', RMA Sandhurst, UK, September 1995.** VIIIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1995. 'The Role of the Journalist in Conflict', MedMedia Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, November 1995. IXth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1996. Xth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1997. Information Warfare II, Conference organised by SMI, London, UK, March 1998. Respondent, 'The Internet Gold Rush: Winners & Losers' (by Andrew Nibley), 2nd Annual Reuters Lecture, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, April 1998.** NATO Psychological Operations Course, SHAPE, Mons, Belgium, May 1998 XIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1998. Public Lecture, 'Psychological Operations in the 1990s', to accompany the Exhibition 'Rendeix-Te!' - Institute of Contemporary Culture, Barcelona, Spain, November 1998. Conference on Information Warfare, Royal United Services Institute, London, UK, December 1998. International Studies Conference, Washington D.C., February 1999. Co-organiser, 'Television & History', 18th IAMHIST Conference, University of Leeds, UK, 14-17 July 1999.** XIIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 1999. Plenary Speaker, 'Communication and Defence in the UK: from the Malvinas War to Operation Allied Strike' Communication and Defence Seminar organised by the Fundacion General de la Universidad Computense, Madrid, November 1999. 'Psychological Operations and Information Warfare' as part of the "Media Intervention in Conflict and Post-Conflict Environments" seminars organized by the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Wolfson College, Oxford, together with the Reuter Foundation Fellowship Programme, February 2000.** XIIIth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 2000. Plenary Speaker, 'PYSOPS and Information Warfare', Royal United Services Institute conference, London, UK, November 2000. Speaker, Joint Staff Command College, Shrivenham, UK, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. Plenary Speaker, 'Representing War', Universities of Bordeaux and Pau, France, November 2000. Plenary Speaker, 'Communications and Crisis: The Media, Conflict and Society', Italian Air Force Academy and Faculta di Sociologia, University of Naples, Italy, December 2000. 'Propagandes et cultures démocratiques dan l'Europe du XXè siècle', Université Paris X-Nanterre, April 2001. Plenary Speaker, 'U.S. Psychological Operations and the Media', War and the Media Conference organised by the Centre for Propaganda Analysis, University of Kent at Canterbury, September 2001.** XIVth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (USAFSOC) October 2001. 'The Influence of the Media upon Conflict', Royal College of Defence Studies, London, February 2002. 'Propaganda and the Military Machine in the War against Terrorism', Rolls Royce Lecture Series on 'After Ground Zero', Cardiff University, Wales, February 2002. 'Psychological Operations and Information Operations', Joint Services and Command Staff College, Shrivenham, February 2002. 'Propaganda and the war against terrorism', for 'Communicating Conflict - War and the Media after 11 September 2001'. A symposium in London organised by NYU, the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths College, University of London and the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Leeds, May 2002.** Guest Speaker, 2002 Joint Peace Operations Seminar, Centre for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, June 2002. Panel Member, 23rd IAMCR Conference, Barcelona, July 2002. IQPC Defence Conference on Information Operations, London, September 2002. InfowarCon 2002, Washington D.C., September 2002. XVth Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Forces University) October 2002. 'Information as a Strategic Weapon', Complutense University, Madrid, November 2002. 'Conflict and Conflicting Cultures: War and the Media', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF), Budapest, February 2003.** Available online at ![]() 'The Impact of the Media upon Foreign Policy', Royal College of Defence Studies, London, February 2003. Keynote Speaker, 1st NATO Bi-Strategic Command Psyops Conference, Warsaw, April 2003. 'The role of the media in the "war" on terrorism', Communicating the War on Terror conference organised by King's College, London, and the Royal Institution, London, June 2003. (See the conference summary at ![]() or download the pdf file at the top of this page) 'Perception Management during Operation Iraqi Freedom', IQPC Defence Conference on Information Operations, London, July 2003. Norwegian Armed Forces PSYOPS course, NORDISS, Oslo, September 2003. Infowar.con 2003, Washington D.C., October 2003. 16th Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) October 2003. 'Enduring Perceptions: An Anglo-US Perspective on the Propaganda War in the Global War on Terrorism', Complutense University, Madrid, November 2003. War on Terrorism in the Information Age, Swedish National Defence College, Stockholm, November 2003.** Invited Lecture Series, 'Sovereignty and Intervention in the Information Age', Church House, Germany, February 2004 'The Impact of the Media on Conflict', Royal College of Defence Studies, London, February 2004 'Fiddling while Rome Burns: Public Diplomacy and the war on terror', Institute of Contemporary Arts hosted conference on Public Diplomacy, London, February 2004. (listen to Prof Taylor's lecture online at: ![]() or upload 'pmtlong' at the top of the page) 'Psychological Operations: Past, Present, Future', 2nd NATO Bi-Strategic PSYOPS conference, Paris, April 2004. 'Television and the future historian' at the Fare Storia con la Televisione' conference, Universita Cattolica del Sacre Coure, Milan, April 2004. 'Misinformation and Disinformation in the Gulf War of 2003' , for the Estragegies de la Disinformacio conference held at the Biblioteca Valenciana, Valencia, April 2004.** Panel Member, International Communications Association conference, New Orleans, May 2004. 'War, media and propaganda in the Gulf Wars of 1991 and 2003', American Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, September 2004. 17th Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) December 2004. 'The revival of Public Diplomacy since 9/11', European Commission, Brussels, January 2005. 'Psychological Operations and Assymetric Warfare', Canadian Defence Forces Colloque, Fort St.Jean, Montreal, February 2005. 'The role of PSYOPS in the "war" on terrorism', Canadian National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, February 2005. 'Lessons (not) Learned from the History of PSYOPS', NATO School, Oberammagau, Germany, March 2005. 'IO or MisInfo?' Lessons (not) learned from the "war" on terror', IPQC Information Operations Conference, Qinetiq, Malvern, UK, July 2005. 18th Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) October 2005 'The Media Wars of the Future', Defence Seminar Series, Complutense University, Madrid, November 2005. 'Force Multipliers: CIMIC & PSYOPS in Counter-Terrorism', CIMIC Group North, Weert, Holland, November 2005 'War, Media, Propaganda', Faculty of Communications and Media conference on 'War and the Media', University of Athens, 28 November 2005. 'Breaking through the Walls of Propaganda', Guest Panelist, International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam, December 2005. 'Public Information, Information Operations and Strategic Communications', NATO Allied Reaction Corps HQ's Media Study Day, Monchengladbach, Germany, December 2005. 'Strategic (mis)communications and the War on Terror'. National Defence College, Stockholm, February 2006. Invited participant, 'Public Diplomacy: Key Challenges and Priorities', Wilton Park, UK, March 2006 'Strategic Communications', NATO Bi Strategic Command PSYOPS Conference, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, April 2006. 'Public Information, PSYOP and Strategic Communications; where do they fit?' NATO Bi Strategic Command Public Information Conference, SHAPE, Mons, May 2006. Panel Member, 'Experts, Media and Policy', Symposium on Terrorism, Media and War', Kings College, University of London, June 2006. 'Strategic Communications: The Current Challenges', Information Operations Europe Conference, London, June 2006. 'International Propaganda Analysis: the challenges of the post 9/11 world', Malaysian Ministry of Information Conference, Johor Bahru, August 2006. Keynote Speaker, 'Propaganda, Public Diplomacy and PSYOPS', Malaysian National Defence Department, Prime Minister's Office, Kualar Lumpur, August 2006. 'War on Terror and global strategic communications challenges', Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, August 2006. 'Strategic Communications in the post 9/11 Islamic world', Royal Malaysian Police College, Kualar Lumpur, September 2006. 'Total War, Total Propaganda, 1939-45', Public Lecture in the 7th annual lecture series of 'The Second World War Experience', Harewood House, Leeds, October 2006. 'Concepts of Information Warfare', Norwegian Staff Defence College, Oslo, November 2006. 'Media Operations', One Day conference organised by the Serbian Ministry of Defence, UK MoD and Jefferson Centre, Belgrade, November 2006. 'PSYOP and Strategic Communications', 19th Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) December, 2006. 'Information Strategies, the Media and Counter Terrorism' Ministry of Defence/National Defence University Short Course on Counterterrorism, Royal Geographical Society, London, February 2007. Respondent to Nik Gowing (BBC World), Royal College of Defence Studies, London, March 2007. 'Information Strategies and the (new) media', Engaging with the Islamic World Group seminar, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, April 2007. 'Public Diplomacy on Trial?', Trials of Public Diplomacy conference, British Council & Libertas conference, London, April 2007. 'Legal Frameworks and the Media' and 'Defence and the Media', Media and Security Sector Oversight Course for Kosovo Journalists, DCAF and OSCE Mission in Kosovo Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, April, 2007. 'Information Operations is Not Enough', NATO Bi-Strategic Psychological Operations Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, May 2007. 'Can the information war on terror be won?', Information Operations Conference, London, June 2007.** 'The Antagonists? An academic perspective on military-media relations', Joint Force Headquarters (UK) Media Study Day, Northwood, July 2007. Plenary Speaker, 'Media and Information Warfare International Conference: a Global Challenge for the 21st Century', UiTM's CMIWS & Strategic Information Management Division, Malaysian MoI, Kualar Lumpur, August 2007. Plenary Speaker, 'Mention 2007: Competing Discourses on Consumption and Consciousness', Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kualar Lumpur, August 2007. 'Information Operations', Singapore Armed Forces, Singapore, August 2007. 'Why the west is losing the information war on terror', Information Operations Seminar, Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, October 2007. 'Can the information war on terror be won?' War and the Media Conference on Communicating Security in the Digital Age, Landstingssalen, Cristiansborg Castle, Copenhagen, October 2007. 'Al Qaeda, Terrorism, the Media and the Message', 3rd USSOCOM Foreign Military Attache Conference: 'Sovereign Challenge', US Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida, 7 November 2007. 'Moments vs. Movements: the propaganda war with Al Qaeda', ESRC Seminar Series, 'Ethics and the War on Terror', University of Leicester, UK, 9 November 2007. 'How to win the information war on terror', 20th Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) December 2007. 'The Future of UK PSYOPS', The Future of UK Intelligence & Special Operations workshop, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Warwick, 17 March 2008. 'Can the information war on terror be won?' Bi-Land Component Command Conference, Heidelberg HQ, Germany, 22-24 April 2008. 'The Media Front of the Information War on Terror', Maritime Warfare Course, HMS Collingwood, May 2008. Speaker, 'Soft Power and US Foreign Policy' Symposium with Joseph Nye, University of Manchester, 22 May 2008. 'The Global Media-sphere and the Military in the Information Age', Mubarak Al-Abdullah College for Joint Command and Staff, Kuwait City, May 2008. 'The Public Affairs-Information Operations Interface' Marcus Evans Conference on Defence Projection and Image Management', London, June 2008. 'Can the information war be won?' Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age conference at the University of Kent at Canterbury, July 2008. 'The Media, International Crises and the War on Terror', International Humanitarian Law Conference, 2008, UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 'Strategic Communications and the "war" on terror', 21st Annual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Hurlburt Field, Florida (Joint Special Operations University) 2-5 December 2008. 'The Information Battlespace', Ex ARRCADE NELSON, HQ, Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, Monchengladbach, Germany, 9-10 December 2008. 'The (Information) War on Terror and the media battlespace', Maritime Warfare Centre, HMS Collingwood, 14 January 2009. Opening Keynote speaker, 'The Cartography of Strategic Communications' at the conference on Images of Nations: Strategic Communication, Soft Power and the Media, Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens, 4-5 February 2009. ![]() 'Balancing Resilience with the needs of open societies', Gulf Defence Conference (IDEX 2009) on Changing World: Emerging Threats and New Security Challenges, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 23 February 2009. Strategic Risk Management and Decision Making in Crisis Management, Finnish National Defence College, Helsinki, 28-9 March 2009. 'The failure of U.S. Strategic Communications since 9/11', 1st annual Christine and Ian Bolt memorial lecture, University of Kent, 13 May 2009. 'The Global Media-sphere and the Military in the Information Age', Mubarak Al-Abdullah College for Joint Command and Staff, Kuwait City, 25 May 2009. Speaker, 8th Annual Information Operations Europe Conference, London 22-23 June 2009. 'From Psychological Operations to Strategic Communications: a history of military influence campaigns', NATO School, Oberammagau, 19 October 2009. Speaker, 22nd NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, Joint Special Forces University, Tampa, Florida, 18-22 November 2009. Opening speaker, NATO Bi-SC Conference, German Ministry of Defence, Berlin, 30 April 2010. 'War in the Information Age: The Global Info-sphere and the role of the Military', Mubarak Al-Abdullah College for Joint Command and Staff, Kuwait City, 30 May 2010. Speaker, Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communications, Universities of Oxford and Annenberg summer school, Oxford, July 2010. ![]() Public Lecture, 'Strategic Communications in a changing international environment', UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 23 July, 2010. 'From Strategic Communications to Global Engagement: Latest developments in international communications', National Security Council of Malaysia, Putrajaya, 3 August 2010. |
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