Phil Taylor's papers
Karen Hughes' first despatch to US Embassies abroad UNCLASSIFIED STATE 00151363 VZCZCXRO2488 PP RUEHKW DE RUEHC #1363 2281831 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 161828Z AUG 05 FM SECSTATE WASHDC TO ALL DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR POSTS COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUEHDBU/AMEMBASSY DUSHANBE PRIORITY 1184 RUEHKH/AMEMBASSY KHARTOUM PRIORITY 0297 RUEHTRO/USLO TRIPOLI PRIORITY 3689 RUEHBE/AMEMBASSY BELIZE PRIORITY 2504 BT UNCLAS STATE 151363 FOR AMBASSADORS AND PAOS FROM KAREN HUGHES E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: KPAO SUBJECT: THE ECHO CHAMBER: GETTING THE WORD OUT 1. I am delighted to begin my new job as Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and particularly enthusiastic about working with all of you. The President and the Secretary believe that our joint mission of public diplomacy is critical to advancing America's interests around the world. I view one of my most important roles to be providing our ambassadors and public affairs officers serving in our embassies tools to help you do your jobs. 2. This week, any representative of our government who is giving speeches or media interviews or attending events (and I hope all of you will be!) is likely to be asked about the Iraqi Constitution and Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Below are a few paragraphs outlining our government's position on these critical issues. 3. After only one day on the job, I have realized that you are inundated with vast amounts of information. My hope is that my office can help you synthesize and provide a quick and easily absorbed summary of information that you can feel confident using on major issues. This will be updated periodically, as events warrant. I welcome your feedback and hope this is useful. Iraqi Constitution ------------------ 4. Americans congratulate the people of Iraq for the progress they are making on their new constitution; as the drafters debate difficult issues they are providing an example of democracy in action. Iraqi leaders asked for and received the unanimous consent of their assembly to continue their work for seven days - importantly, the drafters did not give up, walk out or try to go around the process. The drafters decided they have made substantial progress but need more time to put together a document that will be the foundation of a free and democratic Iraq for years to come. The new Constitution will be the most important document in the history of the new Iraq. While difficult issues remain, we are impressed with the progress that Iraqi leaders are making. The drafters of our American Constitution worked on our founding document for months before finally balancing regional concerns and building a stable government structure. We are confident that the Iraqi people will complete this process and continue on the path toward elections for a permanent government at the end of this year. Gaza Withdrawal --------------- 5. Americans are hopeful that Israel's withdrawal from Gaza will proceed peacefully, without outside agitation or violence. We understand that this is a difficult and emotional moment for the Israeli citizens who must leave their homes, but it is important to remember that the decision to withdraw was made by Israel's leaders in the interests of greater security for the state of Israel. The withdrawal has the opportunity to be a significant milestone in the road toward peace, as it is a tangible step toward the shared vision of two states living side by side in peace and security. What is crucial is that the Israelis and the Palestinians work together to make the withdrawal a success that will help both sides move forward and re-energize progress along the roadmap. President Bush has stressed that all parties have obligations in the context of the Gaza withdrawal: Israel to ensure a peaceful withdrawal, the Palestinians to maintain control over terrorist groups, and the Arab states to provide political and financial support to the Palestinians as they work to build the basis of a peaceful, prosperous state in Gaza. It is essential that the members of the international community also mobilize to make this important development a success. The G-8 leaders noted at Gleneagles their commitment to help secure up to $3 billion a year over three years to support the recovery of the Palestinian economy. 6. Minimize considered. RICE BT #1363 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED STATE 00151363 |